Thursday, October 27, 2011

Taking it EASY...

Well, I'm crappy at blog posting..I said I was going to post once a month but its been two months since my last blog post..

It's not so bad living in a small town like this and being able to go home to the village when the mood takes me but this town seems to exist in a place that time forgot. I tune the radio and all I get is chinese radio channels apart from wantok radio light, occasional 100FM and sometimes Radio Sandaun or Radio Fly.The food on the shelves have indonesian sub-titles and the plane comes here only three times a week from Port Moresby. I've even forgotten what EMTV is like since we only watch Kundu2 here (when there is power).

I phoned home to the folks in Lae (note: Lae is home also) the other day and everyone was going on about LegendFM. First question to them: What is LegendFM? To be greeted with uproars of laughter and then empathy at my predicament (Turangu, she lives in Vanimo). I recieve a phone call from my old company and promised to read an email which is difficult without power. It's been two days since they sent the email apparently...

I'm back to ferrying water up flights of stairs due to the power shortage which lasts days on end and eating vegetarian meals because I can't store protein in a fridge that isn't working...But it's okay, you see..

My last job involved daily emails flying back and forth, daily reports to people as far away as Sydney and USA, conference calls spanning continents and the constant buzz of phone lines. My clinic shook everyday from the noise of overhead helicopters. It's nice to wake up in the morning to the sound of crashing waves on the beach and listen to little birds arguing in the roof gutter. Its nice to come to work and be greeting by smiles, greenery and the sound of children laughing in the corrider. It's nice to run on Vanimo time..

So here I am, taking it EASY so to speak.....

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